Local Foods Workshop in Hannibal Next Week
University of Missouri Extension will host a “Selling Local Foods” workshop in Hannibal next Friday. Jennifer Schutter is with the Adair County Extension office.
The daylong workshop at the Admiral Coontz Armory (301 Warren Barrett Drive) will feature several speakers and a local producer panel, according to Extension horticulture specialist Justin Keay.
Keay says one of the presentations will focus on Missouri’s Cottage Food Law.
Afternoon sessions will cover alternative markets such as community supported agriculture, restaurants and small grocers.
The Local Foods Workshop will run from 8:45 to 4 p.m. on March 15th. The $15 registration fee covers lunch. Participants must register by Monday, either by calling the Pike County Extension Office at 573-324-5464, or by visiting the event’s page on the MU Extension website.