You don’t have to worry about your pets during this coronavirus pandemic. While Fido can’t get COVID-19, Moberly Veterinarian Dr. Cliff Miller said you need to separate the terms COVID-19 and coronavirus when talking about our animals.

Dr. Miller, on Saturday’s Critter Care segment on KWIX and KRES, said we cannot get coronavirus from our pets.

Early in the outbreak, Dr. Miller said there were a couple cases in Asia where animals in an infected area were quarantined. It was determined that humans did not transmit COVID-19 to the dogs.

Dr. Miller was on an email chain with other Missouri veterinarians last week on how local offices take precautions during this time. He said for most, awareness of disinfecting their offices was the priority. Miller heard some may go to drive-up services. It’s more in the cities where offices have closed except for emergencies.