Crop Conditions Weakening Amid Warmer Temperatures

Last week’s average temperature across Missouri of almost 80 degrees, coupled with another week of less than half the normal amount of rainfall, contributed to another week of lower crop quality ratings.  USDA’s Crop Progress report indicates that 55 percent of Missouri corn is in good or excellent condition, a drop of five points from last week and 21 points from its strongest showing five weeks ago.  15 percent of the crop is considered poor or very poor, nearly double last week’s figure.  While soybeans in good or excellent shape remained at 51 percent, beans in poor or very poor shape increased, also to 15 percent.  In terms of plant development, 65 percent of Missouri corn is tasseling, and 15 percent has reached the doughing stage.  Almost a third of beans are blooming, while eight percent have set pods.

Abnormal dryness in the Bootheel is also spelling weaker crop conditions there.  53 percent of cotton is rated good, down five points from last week, while 15 percent is in poor or very poor shape.  Rice rated good or excellent is down four points this week at 61 percent, with nine percent considered poor or very poor.  One-sixth of Missouri rice has headed.  81 percent of cotton has squared, and 47 percent have set bolls.

Dry conditions, with just a third of an inch of rain falling on average last week, have sent pasture conditions tumbling again.  Just a quarter of Missouri fields remain good or excellent, a nine-point drop on the week.  41 percent of fields are rated poor or very poor, up 19 points.  24 percent of farmers are believed to have a shortage of hay supply, compared to just one percent with a surplus.  However, alfalfa cutting is ahead of last year’s pace, with 81 percent of fields cut a second time, and one percent of fields already receiving a third cutting.  90 percent of other hay has been cut.

One-fourth of Missouri farmers are also short on stockwater, compared to two percent with a surplus.  55 percent of topsoil and 49 percent of subsoil lack adequate moisture, compared to one percent of each with a surplus.  An average of 6.2 days were suitable for fieldwork.