Representative McGaugh Voices Oppossition to Closed Primary Bill

The Missouri House Committee of Elections and Elected Officials recently heard a proposal from Representative Dan Stacy of Blue Springs that would switch Missouri to a closed primary system. The proposal would require Missourians to affiliate with a political party before they can vote in a primary election. Vice-Chairman of the Elections and Elected Officials Commitee, Representative Peggy McGaugh, says she has concerns about Stacy’s bill.

McGaugh served as the Carroll County clerk from 1985 to 2018. She adds limiting voters to just a Republican or Democratic ballot will limit their voting options.

The bill would allow for voters to change their affiliation. However, they would have to make the change 23 or more weeks before the election. The Missouri Association of County Clerks and Election Authorities is among those who oppose House Bill 26. The bill is not currently scheduled for a future hearing.