Local Hunters Reminded of Certain Restrictions in Alternative Methods Deer Season
The alternative methods deer season begins December 23rd in Missouri. A variety of weaponry can be used to harvest deer during this season, including muzzleloading firearms, centerfire pistols, compound bows and crossbows. Chariton County Conservation Agent Chris Chesher says there is a four antler-point restriction some local hunters need to keep in mind.
Cooper, Lewis, Marion, Pettis, Ralls, Saline and Scotland counties are also within the antler-point restriction. The rule requires a harvested buck have at least four antler points on one side of their rack. Chesher adds there’s a reason why other counties don’t have the restriction.
This antler-point restriction doesn’t apply to deer hunters who are 15 years or younger. The alternative methods deer season runs through January 2nd.