Perdue Downplays Possible Third Round of MFP Payments
Don’t expect a third round of Market Facilitation payments, despite a recent tweet by the president strongly suggesting one. That’s the word from USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue to the House Agriculture Committee. Perdue told lawmakers Wednesday too much is being read into the president’s tweet on a possible third MFP round…
But the president’s tweet suggesting the opposite raised a ‘red flag’ with House Ag Chair Collin Peterson…
But Perdue expressed confidence China would come through, despite a rough start due to coronavirus…
Perdue says net farm income is still up almost 12 percent from $83.5 billion to $93 billion, largely due to indemnity payments, prevented planting payments, and crop insurance, but this year’s $97 billion estimate would still be down more than 30 percent from a 2013 high.