Newest Farm Bureau/NFU Tag-Team to Address Mental Health
Top farm organizations Wednesday announced a partnership to address high levels of stress affecting farmers and ranchers. The new partnership between Farm Credit, the American Farm Bureau Federation and National Farmers Union will provide training to individuals who interact with farmers and ranchers. AFBF President Zippy Duvall says the partnership will “help our members recognize the warning signs and empower them to get help for their friends.” In a poll commissioned by Farm Bureau in April, a strong majority of farmers and farmworkers said financial issues, farm or business problems, and fear of losing the farm, impact the mental health of farmers and ranchers, and nearly half of rural adults said they are personally experiencing more mental health challenges than they were a year ago. NFU President Roger Johnson adds that farmers also face many barriers to get help, including stigma, a lack of mental health care in rural communities and poor broadband access. Johnson adds that the program will train neighbors and friends to recognize and address stress, bringing help closer when farmers really need it.