Missouri’s Cotton, Soybean Harvest Progress Enters Double Digits
Harvest of Missouri’s major rowcrops remains at or above historic trends according to Monday’s USDA Crop Progress Report. The weekly update indicates that corn harvest is 42 percent complete, 10 points ahead of last year and two points better than the five-year average. 92 percent of the crop is mature. 35 percent of the remaining crop is rated good to excellent, up two points from last week, while 35 percent is rated poor or very poor, down four points. 12 percent of Missouri soybeans have made their way to the bin, up four points from last year and five points ahead of average pace. 82 percent of beans have dropped their leaves. 48 percent of soybeans are considered good to excellent, up four points from a week ago, while 19 percent are rated poor or very poor, a drop of two points.
Cotton harvest in the Bootheel reached 10 percent complete, in line with the average pace and five points better than a week ago. 85 percent of cotton bolls have opened. 65 percent of soybeans are rated good to excellent versus just two percent in poor shape. Rice harvest is 65 percent complete, 12 points ahead of last year and 10 points better than the five-year average.
Pastures experienced some improvement even with temperatures well above average and just 0.08″ of rain on average across the state. One-fifth of fields are rated in good shape, up three points on the week, while 42 percent of fields are considered poor or very poor. Just 38 percent of Missouri farmers are believed to have enough hay on hand, while 61 percent report having adequate stock water supplies. 37 percent of Missouri topsoil and 34 percent of subsoil have adequate moisture. An average of 6.8 days were suitable for fieldwork. Temperatures were 10 degrees above normal at an average of 73.4°F.