Heading into the Thanksgiving holiday, Missouri farmers have less than 10% of harvest to go. According to USDA’s weekly Crop Progress report, farmers entered the week with 8% of the state’s corn, 9% of soybeans and 9% of cotton still in the field. This time a year ago corn and cotton harvest was nearly wrapped up, while soybean harvest was 84% complete. Winter wheat planting is 93% done, up five points from a year ago and just off the five-year average. The crop is 77% emerged, six points ahead of a year ago. 41% of the crop is good to excellent compared to 11% in poor or very poor condition.

66% of pastures are in good to excellent condition, against 7% poor. 11% of farmers report a lack of adequate hay supply, compared to 7% with a surplus. 2% lack adequate stock water, compared to 6% with a surplus. Although precipitation last week was below average, 11% of topsoil and 7% of subsoil show surplus moisture, versus a deficit in 2% of each. An average of 4.5 days were suitable for fieldwork, with temperatures around Missouri averaging just shy of 44 degrees.