Knox County and North Shelby Resume Football Rivalry

North Shelby and Knox County resume their football rivalry Friday night in Shelbyville, but this time it will be an eight-man game. The two schools last played, in an 11-man game, in 2015. North Shelby went to eight-man the following year, while the Eagles made the switch this season. Knox County Coach Bruce Vannoy…

The Eagles come in 3-1, losing last week to Northwest of Hughesville 40-28. Vannoy says they need to eliminate penalties and turnovers.

North Shelby is 4-0, with three of the wins by shutout, and are ranked sixth in the state. Coach David Stuckey…

Stuckey says his team needs to win the turnover battle.

J.B. Connoley and Brandon Monty will have the broadcast on Glory 97.3 and